Phantom Cloak

Archero Item Phantom Cloak Phantom Cloak
An awesome-looking cloak.
Hidden Stats [Epic] Thorn attacks are x2 your base damage [Mythic] Frozen enemy takes +10% base damage [Mythic+2] Thorns attack are x2.8 your base damage [Titan Tales+3] Frozen enemy takes +15% base damage
Archero Phantom Cloak base rarity iconMax HP +[x]
Archero Phantom Cloak common rarity icon[Common] Projectile Resistance +10%
Archero Phantom Cloak rare rarity icon[Rare] Healing from red hearts +20%
Archero Phantom Cloak epic rarity icon[Epic] Freezes enemies who hit you for 1-2s and deal thorn damage
Archero Phantom Cloak legendary rarity icon[Legendary] Increases Attack upon revival
Archero Phantom Cloak mythic rarity icon[Mythic] Enemies frozen by Phantom Cloak take more damage
Archero Phantom Cloak mythic+1 rarity icon[Mythic+1] Armor Basic Stats +5%
Archero Phantom Cloak mythic+2 rarity icon[Mythic+2] Epic Skill Effect Upgraded
Archero Phantom Cloak titan_tales rarity icon[Titan Tales] Max Hp : +10%
Archero Phantom Cloak titan_tales+1 rarity icon[Titan Tales+1] Armor Basic Stats +10%
Archero Phantom Cloak titan_tales+2 rarity icon[Titan Tales+2] Armor Basic Stats +10%
Archero Phantom Cloak titan_tales+3 rarity icon[Titan Tales+3] Mythic Skill Effect Upgraded
Archero Phantom Cloak chaos rarity icon[Chaos] Chance to drop a Heart when taking projectile damage
Archero Item Phantom Cloak