Living Bomb

Archero Item Living Bomb Living Bomb
Keeps throwing bombs that deal splash damage.
Hidden Stats [Mythic] Enemies take 7% more damage when hit by Pets [Titan Tales+3] Enemies take 10% more damage when hit by Pets
Archero Living Bomb common rarity iconOwn Attack +[x]
Archero Living Bomb great rarity icon[Great] Own Attack Speed +10%
Archero Living Bomb rare rarity icon[Rare] Own crit +20%
Archero Living Bomb epic rarity icon[Epic] 50% chance for new ability after adventure level-up
Archero Living Bomb perfect_epic rarity icon[Perfect Epic] Inherit Leader's Attack +10%
Archero Living Bomb legendary rarity icon[Legendary] The bomb will split into 3 mini bombs once it hits the floor
Archero Living Bomb ancient_legendary rarity icon[Ancient Legendary] 80% chance for new ability after adventure level-up
Archero Living Bomb mythic rarity icon[Mythic] Enemies hit lose more HP when taking damage
Archero Living Bomb mythic+1 rarity icon[Mythic+1] Pets Basic Stats +5%
Archero Living Bomb mythic+2 rarity icon[Mythic+2] Epic Skill Effect Upgraded
Archero Living Bomb titan_tales rarity icon[Titan Tales] For every 5 spirit level they gain 1% of Hero's attack
Archero Living Bomb titan_tales+1 rarity icon[Titan Tales+1] Pets Basic Stats +10%
Archero Living Bomb titan_tales+2 rarity icon[Titan Tales+2] Pets Basic Stats +10%
Archero Living Bomb titan_tales+3 rarity icon[Titan Tales+3] Mythic Skill Effect Upgraded
Archero Living Bomb chaos rarity icon[Chaos] Gain hero's attack speed
Archero Item Living Bomb